Dystopian Society Like Phenomenon

  • Updated October 2, 2022
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We are in the year 2021. Kanye West has just been elected the new President of The United States in 2020 and is quickly ruining the nation. America is now a dictatorship. This is not the same America we have been used to living in, and if nothing is done soon there will be no America. The people have tried to fight back against him but the military is so powerful and paid well that nothing can really be done. He has changed almost every law to where it benefits him in some way. Only music produced or created by Kanye West is allowed to be played in America, you must have a face of Kanye somewhere on your shirt at all times, and no one is even allowed to speak to Kim Kardashian unless you are punishable by death.

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020. The day everyone knew America would quickly decline. Why people voted for Mr.West I don’t even know. But it’s been done now and there is nothing we could do. The first thing Kanye would do was change America from democracy government to a dictatorship run by him. He wanted all the control he could possibly have and was going to do anything to get it. He pulled this off by raising military pay and benefits significantly so they would be behind him no matter what. Women in society no longer had power in the community at all. They were all housewives now. They are no longer able to vote, work, or even wear any sort of sexually provoking clothes. He believed women shouldn’t be able to have more power or money than their husband. He thought that in order to have a strong and powerful running government man absolutely have to be in total control. Women job in the community was to cook and clean for their family and comfort the men in the family.

Society is now totally controlled by technology. Robots, computers, phones etc. now run the community. Robots now work everywhere fast food places, convenience stores, department stores etc. There were only two jobs in society for humans. To create bigger, better and more efficient robots to work in the stores, or to own or run a store. Kanye made this law because it would essentially save more money. Not having to pay humans money to work or do basic jobs anymore. However this causes a lot of people to go into poverty and families to struggle financially. Because of the families struggling not able to make a living for the family the crime right is very high. A lot of murders, robberies, home invasions and crimes of that sort going on around the whole country now. This is exactly what Mr.West wanted though. He wanted the poor to start eliminating themselves that way if they eliminate themselves there would only be rich and powerful men left in America and there would only be one class. The upper class. This created the worst thing possible in America.

The annual purge was now real. From now on the last Friday, the 13th of the year was the day of the annual purge. All crime was legal that night and it always gets crazy. This law was specifically created to eliminate the poor. The less homeless people there were in the country the more money they would have for social services. If more people were eliminated from the purge there would be a lower unemployment rate. Also violent crime wouldn’t be as high throughout the year because everyone knows they can kill each other legally on purge night. The rich in the society weren’t really worried about purge night because they had enough money to protect and defend themselves on that night. It was primarily to eliminate the poor.

America was now in a position I would’ve never thought. This country has come from one of the most powerful countries to a total chaotic mess. Women being less powerful, robots running the society and the annual purge now being in effect. This is not the America we are used to. At this rate in a couple years, America could be done for.

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Dystopian Society Like Phenomenon. (2022, Oct 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/dystopian-society-like-phenomenon/

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