Computer Science Practice Test 2 Answer Key

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Computer Science Practice Test 2 Answer Sheet

1. True or false, compressed files and folders can be encrypted ?
Correct answer: False
2. What key combination in Windows 2000 brings up a menu where you can change your password ?
Press CTRL+ALT+P and then click Change Password
Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click Change Password
Press SHIFT+ALT+P and then click Change Password
Press SHIFT+ALT+DELETE and then click Change Password
Correct answer: Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click Change Password
3. What is the bare minimum amount of RAM supported by Windows 2000 Professional ?

Correct answer: 32
Explanation: 64 Recommended
4. Safe Mode Enable Boot Logging – Starts Windows 2000 while logging all the drivers and services that were loaded (or not loaded) by the system to a file. This file is called ?

Correct answer: ntbtlog.txt
5. What is the minimum microprocessor required to install Windows 2000 ?

Correct answer: 133
6. How many processors can Windows 2000 Professional support ?

Correct answer: 2
7. BOOT: Couldn’t find NTLDR Please insert another disk, this could mean the boot sector is damaged true or false ?

Correct answer: False
Explanation: Your boot sector is okay because it still points to the NTLDR file. However, your NTLDR file is either missing or damaged. To correct this problem, replace the NTLDR file with a backup file or install a new copy of Windows NT to a different directory
8. To restore the original registry settings when you first installed Windows 2000, from the Emergency Repair Disk, which option would you use to restore the registry ?

Press A for Repair All
Press M for Manual repair
Press R for Registry repair
Press F for Fast repair
Correct answer: Press F for Fast repair
Explanation: Manual repair if you want Setup to selectively repair system files, the partition boot sector, or the startup environment. Manual repair doesn’t repair the registry.
9. Windows Installer is a component of the Windows 2000 operating system that simplifies the application installation process, what is the file extension that the package file format uses ?

Correct answer: .msi
Explanation: Windows Installer technologies are divided into two parts that work in combination: a client-side installer service (Msiexec.exe) and a package file (.msi file). Windows Installer uses the information contained within a package file to install the application.
10. If a program error occurs, in Win 2000 ?

Dr. Watson will start automatically.
Scandisk will not start automatically
Dr. Watson will not start automatically
Scandisk will start automatically.
Correct answer: Dr. Watson will start automatically.
Explanation: Dr. Watson for Windows 2000 is a program error debugger. The information obtained and logged by Dr. Watson is to diagnose a program error for a computer running Windows 2000. A text file (Drwtsn32.log) is created whenever an error is detected. You also have the option of creating a crash dump file, which is a binary file that a programmer can load into a debugger.
11. What is the minimum amount of free disk space required to install Windows ?

128 MB
2 GB
650 MB
1.2 GB
Correct answer: 650 MB
Explanation: This is the minimum, It is recommended that you have 1.2GB of free disk space.
12. Once you convert your hard drive to FAT32 format using Drive Converter,

You can return to using FAT16, by typing cvrt.exe /r from DOS
You can return to using FAT16, by typing cvrt.exe /r from the run box
You cannot return to using FAT16 format, unless you repartition and reformat the FAT32 drive
You cannot return to using FAT16
Correct answer: You cannot return to using FAT16 format, unless you repartition and reformat the FAT32 drive
Explanation: Once you convert your hard drive to FAT32 format using Drive Converter, you cannot return to using the FAT16 format unless you repartition and reformat the FAT32 drive. If you converted the drive on which Windows 98 is installed, then you must reinstall Windows 98 after repartitioning the drive.
13. To start Windows 2000 in safe mode while at the boot menu you would ?

When you see the message Please select the operating system to start, press F5.
When you see the message Please select the operating system to start, press F8.
When you see the message Please select the operating system to start, press F1.
When you see the message Please select the operating system to start, press F4.
Correct answer: When you see the message Please select the operating system to start, press F8.
14. Runas can not be used to start which of the following ?

Control Panel
MMC console
.msc files
Windows Explorer
Correct answer: Windows Explorer
Explanation: Runas allows you to run programs (*.exe), saved MMC consoles (*.msc), shortcuts to programs and saved MMC consoles, and Control Panel items. Some items, such as Windows Explorer, the Printers folder, and desktop items, are launched indirectly by Windows 2000. These items cannot be started with Runas.
15. The best way to add a new user to the computer in Windows 2000 is through ?

Network Neighborhood in Control Panel.
Users and Passwords in Control Panel
My Network Places in Control Panel
User Manager in Control Panel
Correct answer: Users and Passwords in Control Panel
16. The most common network interface card problems are interrupt conflict setting, these are usually caused by other adapter cards using the same IRQ what other type of card conflicts most with NICs ?

Correct answer: Sound
Explanation: Many sound cards use IRQ 5 the same as many NICs. But plug and play cards should not have this problem.
17. In order to delete shared subfolders and files, in Windows 2000 what is the lowest permission you must have ?

Full Control
Correct answer: Change
18. Windows 2000 Professional troubleshooters provide information about which of the following topics, Networking (TCP/IP), Remote access (RAS), Internet connections (ISP), and Windows 3.x programs.

Correct answer: True
19. If you want to set up a dual-boot system, you must install the alternate operating system before you install Windows NT.

Correct answer: True
20. Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is a feature of the Windows 2000 operating system, but you can also run MMC on ?
Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98
Only Windows 95, and Windows 98
Only Windows NT
Only Windows 98
Correct answer: Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98
Explanation: You can use Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to create, save, and open administrative tools (called MMC consoles) that manage the hardware, software, and network components of your Windows system. MMC is a feature of the Windows 2000 operating system, but you can also run MMC on Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98 operating systems

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Computer Science Practice Test 2 Answer Key. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/computer-science-practice-test-2-answer-key/

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