An Admissions Letter to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy

  • Updated August 30, 2022
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Dear Office of Admissions:

“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” – Jacques Cousteau. Growing up on the coast in South Georgia, I have spent most my life standing at the edge of the ocean, looking out at the horizon, and wondering what it would be like to go out where few people ever venture and to be surrounded by nothing but water. Since I was a small child the water has felt like home to me. On my first visit to the beach, I ran straight for the ocean without a care for the rest of the world, consumed with the spirit of the ocean and its wonders.

When I was 13, my thoughts of the sea changed from those of fascination to ambitious dreams with one Career Day experience. I took the opportunity to have some fun and do offshore charter fishing for my 8th grade school project. The charter boat captain discussed his career, good stewardship, and the importance of the industry while telling stories of his adventures on the water. From that moment, I was hooked. It was not the fishing that drew me in as much as the experience of being out so far from land and seeing the beauty of the ocean.

The following summer, my mom signed me up for a sailing camp. I was hesitant, believing that sailing would be boring because the boats lacked a motor. Then, through hard work, teamwork, studying, and determination, I fell in love with the sport. Five years later, it’s now my job to take people on sailing tours at a Forbes rated 5-star resort, Sea Island. Being on a sailing vessel has helped me discovered the true power of the wind and how great it feels to be on the edge of my seat working the lines and braving the elements. The ocean and sailing have sparked a need for me to live my life on the water, no matter where it takes me, as long as adventure lies somewhere over the horizon.

I believe attending Massachusetts Maritime Academy is the perfect choice to help me fulfill my dream of achieving a career on the water. The curriculum and classes offered at Massachusetts Maritime Academy will teach me learn more about subjects that I am deeply passionate about and would be exited to master.

Curriculum isn’t my only draw to Massachusetts Maritime Academy. As one of six schools in the country with the MARGRAD program, I would be able to continue my family’s tradition of service. From my father to my great, great, great grandfather, every man before me has served in the U. S. Military and has served in every major conflict since World War One. Following in the footsteps of my family and serving as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard would be my honor.

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An Admissions Letter to the Massachusetts Maritime Academy. (2022, Aug 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-admissions-letter-to-the-massachusetts-maritime-academy/

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