An Admission Letter at SIT to Study Statistics

  • Updated August 30, 2022
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Three years ago, I came to United International College to study Statistics. What makes statistics attractive to me is that it is powerful and widely useful in many aspects. My friends are majoring in accounting, finance and food science have asked me about data processing and analysis. I really helped them analyze data and predict prospective situation using statistical techniques. Through my three years of study, I have already considered it as my career field in the future. Therefore, I would like to apply XXX program in XXX for my master degree. In the first year, I was obsessed with various campus activities and volunteer services. I participated in a singing competition and charity clubs in school. I led several people to visit poor families and offer them help. I went to an Autistic Children Recovery Center to do volunteer service once a week. Although I sacrificed my GPA to receive these experiences, I still gained a lot-many friends, communication skills and more thinking about life. During my three-month internship, my boss was impressed by my executive ability and prudence. I was the only assistant who was able to give a presentation in front of more than 100 parents to introduce our school and answer their questions. To be a statistician, communication is a very important skill. Without good communication and presentation skills, we cannot express our achievements. When I was in year 2, I began to think about studying aboard and getting a Master degree after graduating and my desire is to study in the United States.

In my opinion, the best universities are in the US. I understand the academic levels of most US universities are high. I am looking for a free and suitable education style in a mixed-culture country. Also statistics in America is more mature than China, which means there are more chances for me to apply my specialized knowledge in practice. Therefore I decided to go to US to pursue Master degree after. In order to find a desired graduate school, I have done a lot of research. After I looked through the introduction on the website, I think that XXX program totally conforms to my expectations for a desired master program. The program highly relates to statistics major, at the same time, has its own focus. In addition, there are many elective courses, some of which are applied in realistic work, for example financial computing. I know the admission of SIT is highly competitive. Your school is looking for best student for your program. I believe that I am a qualified applicant because my comprehensive ability to be an excellent graduate student is satisfied. Please open the door and give me a chance to show my potential.

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An Admission Letter at SIT to Study Statistics. (2022, Aug 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-admission-letter-at-sit-to-study-statistics/

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