A Review of The Social Network, a Movie by David Fincher

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According to Mark Zuckerberg, the movie The Social Network is an extremely inaccurate representation of the creation of the infamous social networking site Facebook. He claims that the actual process of building the website was much less glamourous than the movie made it seem, and most of it was made up solely for entertainment purposes. Zuckerberg has since spoken out about the inaccuracies of the movie and tells his side of the story. In the movie, Facebook was only created as a way to get girls, but in reality that was not the case. Zuckerberg has since spoken out about this and has said, “They [the film’s creators] just can’t wrap their head around the idea that someone might build something because they like building things.

Although many of the smaller details, such as the fact that Zuckerberg wore the same grey shirt everyday and the design of the office were true, the majority of the major plot is exaggerated and made up. Mark has said that he found the movie to be hurtful and does not want himself to be portrayed in the way that the movie makes him out to be. Zuckerberg is also displeased by the fact that actions from his sophomore year of college are being brought up for the general public to see and hold against him. He has claimed that this movie is very hurtful and gives him a bad reputation. The producer of the movie has said that the goal of the movie was not to give him a bad name and he apologized for it.

The goal in mind when creating Facebook was to connect with people who are close to you unlike other popular social media sites at the time did not focus on location based connecting. Over time, the website started expanding to other universities such as Stanford, Columbia, Yale, and even universities located in Canada and the United Kingdom. In September of 2006, Facebook was available for everybody 13 years or old to join. It didn’t take long for the website to become extremely popular and even reached 100,000,000 users as soon as August of 2008, In 2012, Yahoo filed a lawsuit against Facebook because it has, “infringed on ten of its patents covering advertising, privacy controls and social networking.“

The actual creation of Facebook had a different purpose in mind. Zuckerberg aimed to create a platform that allowed people to connect with those who were close to them, unlike other social media sites at the time that focused less on location-based connections. Initially limited to select universities, Facebook expanded to include various institutions in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. By 2006, Facebook became available to anyone aged 13 and older.

The website quickly gained popularity, reaching 100 million users by August 2008. However, Facebook’s success was not without legal challenges. In 2012, Yahoo filed a lawsuit against Facebook, alleging patent infringement related to advertising, privacy controls, and social networking features.

In conclusion, while The Social Network may have popularized a dramatic version of Facebook’s creation, Mark Zuckerberg has expressed his dissatisfaction with the film’s accuracy. He emphasizes that the true motivation behind building Facebook was not portrayed accurately and that the movie had a negative impact on his reputation. Despite the movie’s inaccuracies, Facebook’s growth and success have been undeniable, reaching millions of users worldwide and facing legal challenges along the way.

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A Review of The Social Network, a Movie by David Fincher. (2023, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-review-of-the-social-network-a-movie-by-david-fincher/

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