A Comparison of the Epic Beowulf and the Movie The 13th Warrior

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Anyone at first may perceive that a poem and a movie cannot be compared or contrasted. However, in the heroic epic Beowulf and the movie The 13‘” Warrior that is just not the case. Beowulf is a heroic epic that characterizes the quest of a strong warrior to defeat evil on a hefty scale. The 13m Warrior, directed by John MCTiernen, is based off of Michael Crighton’s novel, Eater of the Dead and the epic Beowulf, which has a similar plot. Considering this information, as the movie is being observed, we can conclude that certain comparisons and contrasts can be made between the poem and the movie. One comparison between Beowulf and The 13′” Warrior is the claw In Beowulf Beowulf rips off Grendel’s claw, and Grendel runs back cowardly to his lair mortally wounded.

In the poem, they describe the significance of the claw: “No Dane doubted The victory, for proof, hanging high From the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was/ the monster’s Arm, claw and shoulder and all.“ At the end of the fight, the monster runs away but leaves his claw and shoulder in the mead hall. Beowulf then celebrates the victory with defeating Grendel, in the mead hall, with telling the Geats about the claw, that following night A similarity of the claw in The 13‘” Warrior begins with the Wendols attacking Bulwyf and his men in the underground mead hallt Once the Wendols leave, the men are looking for the bodies.

None of the bodies are left after they killed many of the “monsters“t The Wendols carried the dead bodies back to their cave The only thing left behind is a claw. The movie scene with the claw is very comparable to Beowulf because it informs the reader that the claw and shoulder are attached. One contrast that can be seen is the last battle that the heroes fight, In Beowulf, his objective is to go and kill the dragon that is terrorizing his kingdom. After he used his loyalty to provide for them through food and clothing, Beowulf’s men left him during the battle, “With our lives, if he needed them, he allowed us to/join him, He took us/ For soldiers, for men. As in the days when his strength and daring dazzled Men’s eyes. But those days are over and gone/ And now our lord must lean on younger arrns.”

Beowulf needed them in the battle against the dragon, while Wiglaf chastised the other soldiers since they deserted him. A contrast of the last battle in The 13m Warrior in the movie begins with Bulwyf and his men meets the Wendols and they fight against them together. As the Wendols are approaching, the men stand together and recite a prayer for the dead. It is miserable and raining while the Wendols are approaching, There is a close up of all the men when they attack the Wendol on horseback, during intense music being played, while the battle rages on. Overall, the contrast between the poem and the movie scene is that Beowulf’s men flee while he is in battle, while Bulwyf’s men fight with him.

Beowulf and The 13‘“ Warrior, in the end, can be compared and contrasted as someone may gather from the evidence above. I used the comparison of the claw to recreate something that was similar between the poem and the movie I used the contrast of the last battle that the heroes were in, to elaborate on the concept that poems and movies can be contrasted. The writer of Beowulf, although unknown, and the director of The 13‘h Warrior wanted to show the audience that many things can be compared or contrasted if you pay attention to the specific details, This is how Beowulf and The 13″‘ Warriors can be considered similar in ways, but different among others.

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A Comparison of the Epic Beowulf and the Movie The 13th Warrior. (2023, Jun 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-comparison-of-the-epic-beowulf-and-the-movie-the-13th-warrior/

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